The Ladder of Success

Trendy Nihilist
2 min readMay 27, 2021


Wealthy people love saying the poor are lazy. And although there is obviously so much wrong with this view, it’s also true that no one is going to give to you. You need to go and get it yourself.

You know how all successful artists say exactly the same things as advice in their interviews? Be yourself and work hard. And I always wonder if they are just f*****g with me, or if the puppeteers of capitalism put them there to motivate modern slaves to prioratise their work even more?

Why does no one say anything about those who work their asses off, and still not make it? Because they don’t try hard enough?

Or is it this other trending nonsense I read on wanna-be business guru and career motivation pages on IG, talking about ‘working smart’ and investing in crypto?

No. It is because luck plays a role.Circumstances matter. As does timing. And most of all, connections. Some people have them. Some need to make them.

Without them, you don’t get it, no matter how hard you work.

If you want it, you should not go and get it. You should go get connections.

And honestly, it might not be enough.

Because even if the whole universe conspires for you to achieve what you want (which it won’t, because it doesn’t give a f*** about you and your insignificant, probabilistically minuscule petty little existence), it might do it too late.

Privilege comes in many forms. Inequality has many faces. Who you are is what you make of yourself, not what you are born with.

No matter how high in the world hierarchy you sit or you think you are, you are never high enough to look down on others.

You don’t know if they were born with less than you and most of all, you don’t know how up they have come.

Maybe they have climbed up much more than you have.

They really shouldn’t call it the ladder of success. It’s clearly a contact book.

